Pubg player count
Pubg player count

pubg player count

Sure, is on a lot of systems because World of Warcraft and Overwatch, but Steam has more than 130 million registered users. At the start of the year, PUBG had surpassed the 3 million concurrent players peak, passing Dota 2s record for active users in the.

pubg player count

The drop off since the beginning of 2018 is a staggering one when looking at the numbers from Steam. If Shroud or Ninja play it for a weekend and then go back to PUBG or Fortnite, players may decide to stick with those games.įinally, BOBO will have to rely more heavily on word-of-mouth just because fewer people have the launcher installed. There are also numerous PUBG clones on the mobile market that may have chipped away at the games playerbase. Likewise, players may also want to see if their favorite livestreamers on Twitch end up sticking with BOBO. People may start jumping on the game after seeing that Activision kept its promise to support PC. Call of Duty has a poor reputation on PC, but Black Ops 4 seems like an excellent port. PUBG also still has plenty of adherents who are always going to prefer its way of doing things.īut I think that we may see BOBO take a larger toll on PUBG over the coming days.

pubg player count

A significant chunk of its players are in China and other markets where Call of Duty is not nearly as popular or isn’t releasing at all.

Pubg player count full#

After a year full of questions, steep competition, and seemingly odd. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is seeing a holiday resurgence. PUBG is resilient for a number of reasons. PUBG’s player count sees first increase since January. At the same time, if BOBO is having an effect on PUBG, it isn’t a sudden knife to the heart. But it seems safe to assume that people are trying Call of Duty’s take on battle royale. This isn’t exactly a strong trend yet, and PUBG could recover quickly after people try BOBO. PUBG has been locking horns with other popular games with the similar play style like Fortnite for a long time now.

Pubg player count